Something I found useful...
WeakAuras 2
What is WeakAuras? It is pretty much whatever you want it to be. This addon is essentially an interface to make your own addons in game in many ways. It is commonly used to track personal resources and cooldowns, but it is not limited to that. Coders can write their own custom functions to make the addon do even more than its already feature rich interface allows. The really nice thing is that it allows for importing/exporting creations through its interface (including an in game link option) to share with others. This means that even someone who has no experience can get a really nice and functional collection to track class abilities and resources. Even better is there is a big community who share these at sites like for anyone to find the perfect collection.0 Total Downloads
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In order to provide you with the latest downloads and give authors attribution, I will attempt to link to the original project sites whenever possible. All downloads are free of malicious software to my knowledge at the time of posting. I cannot guarantee that something was not missed or future changes, so follow best security practices when installing addons or running scripts to minimize risks. Any authors wishing to have their content linked elsewhere or removed completely may contact me via Mastodon until I get a proper contact form in place.