Something I found useful...
Adds cast bars to the default target frames and nameplates. Other addons with custom nameplates do not seem to be showing castbars properly, but this one still does. Can selectively enable either or both target and nameplate options.0 Total Downloads
0 Monthly Downloads
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)
Widely used dungeon and raid boss mods addon to provide alerts of boss abilities, show ability timers, display range indicators to players (important in many fights), and just overall make many of the complex fights more manageable. This addon is split up into multiple downloads to let everyone pick only what they want to use. Note that the core addon including current content is required.0 Total Downloads
0 Monthly Downloads
Download disclaimer
In order to provide you with the latest downloads and give authors attribution, I will attempt to link to the original project sites whenever possible. All downloads are free of malicious software to my knowledge at the time of posting. I cannot guarantee that something was not missed or future changes, so follow best security practices when installing addons or running scripts to minimize risks. Any authors wishing to have their content linked elsewhere or removed completely may contact me via Mastodon until I get a proper contact form in place.